Gratitude: Day of Discharge

As I lay in bed, I look out the window and see the water; it looks peaceful and calm. As I write, I hear an airplane fly past me. It’s 7:21 a.m. on September 30, 2021. Today, I’m being discharged from rehab and going home. I smile as I write this. It’s been a long...

Celebrating Little Wins

It’s 5:50 a.m. and I can’t sleep. I feel drained and exhausted. To the left of me is a window overlooking the Charlestown Navy Yard. I can see the reflection of the water; it looks peaceful and calming. It’s still dark out. However, you can see the cars drive by. I...

Sitting Up in a Recliner: Gratitude

I’m in my hospital room sitting up in a recliner chair. I have an IV in each arm and am wrapped up in a fleece blanket that I brought from home. It’s red and black with white paw prints. I made this blanket for my grandmother years ago. When she passed away, I kept...